The Heart of the Matter

This month of February, we experience many calendar dates, with many meanings and metaphysical interpretations. First, we had Groundhog Day, which represents our emergence from our dark hole, into either the light or into our shadow, to be presented for healing. Following this is Presidents’ Day, honoring Washington and Lincoln, both of whom told stories and lived lives of “knowing the Truth,” and were symbols of honesty and integrity.

Then, of course, we have Valentine’s Day, which symbolizes Love. This topic has many variations and interpretations. From the Greek, there are four levels of love:

1. Storge Love: Normally defined as the love within a family, as a parents for their children, or for other family members.
2. Philia Love: This is a “virtuous” love that is defined as “loyalty to family, friends, community” and the world. To do no harm.
3. Eros Love: Defined as intimate or sexual love, or more broadly a feeling of love when one listens to music, or is in nature, or views a beautiful painting.
4. Agape Love: The love of God for man, and of man for God. Referred to as “unconditional” love in some texts.

So, we, as spiritual beings, are called upon to know and practice all forms of love, in every way and every time we can. So, what limits us from these expressions of love that are as natural to us as our breath? Let’s take a look.

In the Sufi tradition, the “veils around the heart” is a major theme. It talks about the 70,000 veils that we impose upon our hearts from our ego, our life experiences, and our belief systems. To “remove the veils” is a major part of spiritual practice. The practice includes “polishing the rust” from the heart, to unveil the true nature of our being, which is Love.

So, as we practice our individual version of this “unveiling” and “polishing,” let’s look at the elements of the process. One of the first and foremost practices is forgiveness. Against whom do we hold past or current grievances? No matter how cruel or unjustified the act, can we forgive this person or situation? Can we understand that this forgiveness sets us free?

Do we forgive the person who cuts us off in traffic, an abusive parent or partner, past grievances of bias and discrimination? The list goes on, but to forgive is to open our hearts to love even further, with every act.

Next comes the world’s longest journey, the one from “the head to the heart.” This journey represents our theme for February, “Open Heart.”  Paul Ferrini says, “Love expresses only through an open heart.” He goes on to say, “What is all inclusive cannot be limited to form. Love does not choose . . . the moment of its expression. Love extends to all at all times. Love is without conditions; that is to say, without form. . . . When you establish conditions on love, you experience the conditions, not the love…the form, not the content.” So, opening the heart means to love without form or condition, and to express and extend at all times. Easier said than done, but an admirable goal.

Do we try to understand everything intellectually, from the ego, from the material world, from the way things appear? Or can we see from the Spiritual or Divine mind, which sees all things working for good, all things being for love?

Finally, can we understand the concept of Oneness? The Truth that we are all in this together, that there is no separation between people, countries, plants, animals?  “God and I are One” and “All is One with God” are useful affirmations.

So, this month, I invite you to remove any remaining veils around your heart, any rust that needs polishing, that prevents you from becoming the purest expression of the divine you can be. Here is one process that may assist you in opening your heart and removing anything that is holding you back from experiencing the fullness of the Divine.

1. Intention: Create an intention to be more loving, more forgiving, more compassionate. Be as specific as possible.
2. Attention: Find a symbol to carry or wear for the month to remind you of this intention.
3. Commitment: Commit to your family, friends, or spiritual community to carry out your intention. Check in periodically to see how you are doing.

So, may this month of February be a month for removing veils and rust and polishing your heart to be a vibrant, living expression of God on earth.

May you be open to see the possibilities of living with an open heart. Starting the process lets in that sliver of light to shine on the door of the heart, so we know what can happen with the smallest bit of light.


Blessings, Andrea Solay, LUT