As we enter into a new year, 2016, we also can prepare to enter into a new stage of spiritual development and consciousness… a Divine appointment to more fully know and experience the Christ within.

Whether one is new to Unity and New Thought, or a long time Truth student, it is beneficial at times to return to the original teachings, principles, and beliefs of Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, their contemporaries and the wise people who have followed them. Looking anew at these principles, with Beginners’ Mind, as the Buddhists call it, allows us to look at the principles from a new perspective, for although they have changed little over the years, we certainly have.

The basics of Unity are summarized in the five Unity principles, in Emily Cady’s book, “Lessons in Truth”, prayer letters of Myrtle Fillmore and in the writings and talks of Charles Fillmore. This month, we will be inviting our speakers to focus on these teachings, and to invite us to look at them in a fresh new way.