Wishes Fulfilled, Mastering the Art of Manifesting by Wayne Dyer

Review By Pat Weeks

One Simple Idea

Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer

I had planned to talk about a recent book I read: How to Read the Bible by the renowned religion expert and Harvard Divinity School professor, Harvey Cox. This book is a marvelous, readable approach that truly deepens our experience and understanding of the Bible.

But then Wayne Dyer made his transition. And it seemed important to review one of his books as a way of honoring him and his enormous influence. I remember first encountering him when I read his very first book, Your Erroneous Zones, many years ago. Through the years, I continued to read his books and heard him speak several times. It was apparent that as he studied and grew, his books became increasingly spiritual. He was especially inspired by St. Francis of Assisi and the ancient Chinese master, Lao-tzu.

His book, Wishes Fulfilled, published 3 years ago, talks about learning to access the region of your highest self to live a God-realized life and to fulfill the spiritual truth that with God all things things are possible. He says that he hoped to jar us into an awareness of how powerful beings we really are. The book is based on works by Neville Goddard, Uell Andersons, and Volume 3 of the Saint Germain discourses. It incorporates life experiences (such as Dyer’s own healing journey through leukemia) on how full manifestation lives and breathes within the subconscious imagination. He gives a specific technique for retraining our subconscious mind and imagination in a new way. He talks about placing into our imagination what we would like to manifest and gives the specifics for realigning our lives so we can live out your highest calling and stay connected to our Source of being.

What I like about his books is that he always includes powerful examples of the truths he is talking about by relating personal or witnessed experiences. Even in his childhood, when he was placed for years in an orphanage and a series of foster home, he had a powerful inner life that transcended those experiences. He tells us not to ever allow our imagination to be contaminated by others’ ideas about how our life should be. He said when he was being discharged from the Navy, he was told by his superiors that he was too old (he was 22!) to start college. They said that he should use his Navy experience as a cryptographer to pursue a career in that field. But he had a dream of teaching, writing, and speaking to large audiences. He saw himself on stage. He saw himself as a prominent author. He knew that he had to be true to his vision and not let his dream be sabotaged by someone else’s vision of what he should become.

Wayne believed that our wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled by using our imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of our wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing to allow any evidence of the outer world to distract us from our intentions. Our spiritual awareness allows us to possess the ability to become the people we were destined to be.

He gives many examples throughout the book from his own life and from others on how this process can change lives.  One in particular I was impressed with was the story of Anita Moorjani., Several of us heard her speak a couple of years ago. She was a woman who was on the brink of death yet, after a powerful near death experience, healed herself of cancer after a realization of her true loving nature.  Dyer also touches on other spiritual phenomena, like the presence of mysterious “orbs” in photographs at his lectures, and his own remote healing from the Brazilian John of God.

He died of a heart attack in his sleep—a wonderfully peaceful way to make his transition to what he always said he looked forward to—his next big adventure. He leaves behind his legacy of documenting and sharing his spiritual awareness, such as in this book. He wanted us all to have the knowledge that we are all Divine and possess an inner, invisible self that can guide and inspire us in becoming the people we are destined to be. We know that he is truly happy in his new dimension and continuing his journey of love and learning.

Visit Wayne Dyer online.